Stan BaldwinSolihull and Meriden
Stan is an Elected Governor for Solihull, having previously served as a HEFT governor. He was a member of the patient experience and hospital environment committees and various working groups.
He has extensive public sector experience including nine years’ service as a Non-Executive Director of the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust.
His previous posts have included Principal of Community Education with the City of Birmingham and the Director of Sport and Leisure Services and Chief Executive of Wyre Forest District Council. He has master’s degrees in education and in public sector management and is a fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
Stan has undertaken consultancy roles with the Audit Commission, The Sports Council and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. He is currently Vice Chairman of Solihull College and University Centre. He is also a nominated Trustee of UHB Charity.
Stan believes that, now we are one of the biggest Health Trusts in the country, it is even more important that our major focus remains on the personal experience of the individual patient and the carer.