Mr Ansar MahmoodMedical and Dental
Ansar has been a consultant surgeon at UHB since 2016. He has been involved in shaping and improving the services our Trauma and Major Trauma departments deliver on the front line. This includes the operational and clinical support and functioning of our flagship Major Trauma Service.
Ansar has experience of sitting on boards as the serving Chair of The British Trauma Society, as well as the Chair of the Local Negotiating Committee at UHB in collaboration with the British Medical association. He believes in giving back to the community and colleagues we work with. Healthcare is a team sport and involving and understanding the whole process, from community pathways and ambulance pressures, and then onto acute care and rehabilitation, is key to helping the Trust deliver on its aims.
Sometimes things go wrong. Accountability for services and care delivery with transparency is crucial to maintaining trust in the services we provide. Ansar hopes to be one of the voices championing medically led decision making for our services and equity in access for our staff and colleagues to higher management positions within the Trust. This, he hopes, will translate into improved care and understanding for our populations who help make us the most vibrant and diverse community in the UK.