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Non-executive directors: outline terms of appointment

Appointment and tenure

Non-executive directors will usually be appointed by the Council of Governors for an initial period of three years. Re-appointments may be made at the end of the period of appointment, subject to the wishes of the Council of Governors and satisfactory appraisal.


Non-executive directors will undertake an annual personal appraisal with the Chairman. The Chairman will undertake an annual personal appraisal with the Senior Independent Director. In the event of an individual’s appraisal not being satisfactory, the Council of Governors can terminate the appointment.

Conflict of interest

Non-executive directors are required to declare any conflict of interest in respect of relevant business interests, other appointments or connections with commercial or NHS bodies. The declaration is required on appointment and at any time during the execution of the Trust’s business, where a conflict of interest may arise. A register of interests will be presented to the board of directors on an annual basis and minuted. The register will be published in University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust's (UHB) annual report and will be available for public inspection.

Time commitment

Non-executive directors are expected to devote sufficient time to carry out their functions in an effective way. It is expected that the normal level of commitment will be between two and a half and four days a month (considerably more for the Chairman). This may be during the working day or in the evening. Non-executive directors are expected to attend planned board development events, which may be residential and/or held away from the Trust’s places of work. It is also envisaged that all non-executive directors contribute by participating on some committees and task and finish groups, this time is included in the monthly time commitment.

Eligibility criteria

Non-executive directors must be, or must be eligible to be, members of the Trust. This means they must either be resident in England or be a patient, or a carer of a patient, of the Trust. 

Patient members must be/have been a patient or a carer of a patient of the Trust since 1 April 2001. If you are eligible to be a patient member, you may live outside the electoral wards.


The remuneration level for non-executive directors is currently £13,837 per annum, subject to annual review. Remuneration is taxable under Schedule E and subject to Class 1 National Insurance contributions. It is not pensionable.

Travel and subsistence

Claims for travel and associated expenses are payable in accordance with Trust regulations in respect of expenses actually and necessarily incurred whilst engaged on Trust business.

Last reviewed: 30 October 2021

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