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National and Regional Courses

Two healthcare professionals in blue NHS practice education uniforms are seated and engaged in a discussion. One person is looking towards the other, listening intently, with a whiteboard and various teaching materials visible in the background

We are really proud to host a number of National and Regional Simulation Courses.

Specialist Nurse Organ Donation (SNOD) Course

We are proud to be host venue for the Specialist Nurse Organ Donation Course run by our colleagues at NHS Blood and Transplant. This course is designed to equip specialist nurses with essential skills and confidence in managing complex organ donation scenarios through the use of advanced, high-fidelity simulation. Participants experience realistic clinical scenarios that replicate the pressures and demands of real-life organ donation processes, allowing them to refine their critical thinking and decision-making skills in a controlled, supportive environment.

Led by a team of expert facilitators, the course covers the full journey of organ donation, from patient assessment to sensitive interactions with families. Through immersive learning and constructive feedback, nurses are prepared to handle the unique challenges in organ donation, fostering both clinical competence and compassionate care for patients and families.

This course reflects the NHS dedication to the highest standards in organ donation training and supports the commitment to excellence in this field. By offering this program, we aim to enhance the confidence and skillset of specialist nurses, ultimately contributing to better outcomes and meaningful support for those involved in organ donation.

One Brain

We are also a host venue for One Brain, a Neurosimulator course that was designed by a group of senior trainees and consultant Neuroanaesthetists with an interest in the safe management, stabilisation and transfer of neurosurgical emergencies in the acute, perioperative and postoperative period.

This course employs high-fidelity simulation to recreate complex neuro-anaesthetic scenarios, allowing participants to practice and enhance critical skills required for managing neurological cases in the operating theatre. The realistic simulations provide an invaluable opportunity for hands-on experience in a safe, controlled setting.

Guided by expert facilitators, the course covers key aspects of neuro-anaesthetic care, including patient monitoring, response to neurological emergencies, and intraoperative decision-making. 

This course is evidence based, peer reviewed and structured around the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care Society of Great Britain and Ireland (NACCSGBI) curriculum and guidance on emergency management of the neurosurgical patient.

One Lung

One Lung is a simulation and practical skills course specifically designed for anaesthetists, surgeons, nurses and anaesthesia practitioners wishing to learn about lung isolation, single lung ventilation and the management of common thoracic anaesthetic and surgical emergencies.

Last reviewed: 14 November 2024