The UHB Cultural Review Reference Group will:
- oversee the review process and its output against the terms of reference
- ensure there is clear, transparent and effective governance
- ensure there is independence in which staff, patients, communities and wider stakeholders can trust
The Independent Reviewer, thevaluecircle, will be expected to present a summary of findings and proposed actions (or any interim report) to the Reference Group. The Cultural Review Reference Group will also provide a forum for emerging issues, concerns and enquiries to be discussed with the Independent Reviewer.
Our discussions
- We will ensure our discussions are respectful, listening carefully without interruption
- The Chair will normally ensure everyone who wants to speak on an agenda topic has spoken before anyone can speak twice. The Chair will ensure all members are able to participate fully in our discussions
- A summary note of discussions will be circulated publicly soon after each meeting across the Trust so that all staff are aware of our discussions and encouraged to contribute to the Review
- Chatham House rules will apply in that members of the Reference Group may share the content of discussion but without identifying what individual members of the Reference Group said
- From time to time, colleagues who are not members of the Reference Group may be invited to attend as observers for specific items or purposes, as agreed
- Where Reference Group members have specific issues, concerns or enquiries, they are encouraged to raise them for discussion with the Independent Reviewer via the Chair
- A function of the Reference Group will be to receive any information from the Review Team that may require an immediate response
- The Reference Group will also assist the Review Team in understanding context where needed, but not to determine matters of interpretation of evidence
- Our role is not to direct or micromanage the Review but will be to ensure that the focus of the Reviewer incorporates the 12 themes identified in the Culture Review Terms of Reference
- At each meeting, the Reference Group will determine which documents (if any) should be regarded as confidential to group members – this should be as minimal as possible
Meeting schedule
- The Reference Group will normally meet fortnightly with an agenda circulated at least two working days prior to each meeting
- The meetings will vary between in person and virtual/hybrid
- The meetings will normally last two hours
- You are encouraged to give apologies if you are unable to attend
- Where Reference Group members wish to raise an item for discussion at meetings, they should, wherever possible, give notice via the Chair so it is included in the agenda – recognising there may be urgent matters not anticipated at the time of the agenda setting
- Queries relating to the meetings (agenda etc) should initially go via
- Queries relating to the content and process of the Review should be made through the Chair, initially via
- Email addresses of all Reference Group members will be shared within the group, subject to each member agreeing. As far as possible, members should avoid mass emails to Group members unless absolutely necessary
Last reviewed: 26 April 2023