Here you will find the answer to some common questions implant users have.
What do I do if I have lost my sound processor?
Firstly, ensure you have searched for it and retraced your steps. If you are a ‘cochlear’ user and have the NucleusSmart App and then you may be able to check the processor’s last known location on the App.
If you are unable to find it, then you should contact us to book an appointment.
There will be a ‘lost processor fee’ of £250 unless you are exempt. Once the fee is paid, the processor is replaced like for like.
You can choose to come in for an appointment, collect it from reception or receive it in the post.
How do I make an appointment?
Feel free to contact us to make an appointment.
How do I get spare parts?
Contact us to let us know what parts you need (please include your name and date of birth). We can send spare parts to you in the post.
If you are not able to change spare parts yourself, you can book an appointment for us to demonstrate how this is done.
My processor doesn’t work
The most common reason a processor stops working is because it needs new parts.
Start by replacing the cable, coil and microphone covers, preferably one at a time to troubleshoot the problem.
If this doesn’t resolve the issue then it is possible the processor itself has a fault and needs replacing – please book an appointment. Many tips on troubleshooting processors can be found on the Repairs page.
What should I do if I can't hear anything?
If there is no sound at all, or reduced sound quality, begin by replacing the spare parts, in particular the cable. If this does not solve the issue, please contact us and book an appointment with the implant team.
Last reviewed: 17 July 2023