Sometimes our patients need some extra support when they are ready for discharge from hospital. This often comes from community nursing teams, clinicians and pharmacists – but all staff can help to make a difference.
Many patients may have spent a number of weeks as an inpatient – so are likely to not have much food at home and no support in getting shopping in for those first few days back at home.
As a result of their admission, patients may also be experiencing a loss of earnings, or delays to benefit payments and are trying to get "back on their feet".
To help with this, the Trust is now in a unique position to be able to "go that extra mile" with food vouchers or an emergency food or clothing parcel.
If you are a patient or relative and would like more information about the support available, please speak to a member of staff on the ward.
If you are a member of Trust staff and would like more information about how to access this service for your patients, please search "Food and clothing bank" on the intranet, or follow the direct link below if you are viewing this on the Trust network (via a Trust PC or VPN).
Last reviewed: 04 June 2024