Within this information, we may use the terms "woman" and "women". However, we recognise that not only people who identify as women may want to access this content. Your care should be personalised, inclusive and sensitive to your needs, whatever your gender identity.
Infant Feeding Team
If you would like to speak to the Infant Feeding Team at University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB), please ask your midwife or health visitor for a referral.
Further help and support
Other local support
Birmingham Forward Steps
Birmingham Forward Steps provides health and well-being services for babies and children up to five years old. The website allows you to enter your postcode to find services near you.
Solihull Infant Feeding Team
If you live in Solihull and would like support with infant feeding, the Solihull Infant Feeding Team may be able to help. In some instances, this team may also be able to offer breast pump loans for babies under 8 weeks of age.
Breastfeeding counsellors and helplines
The following organisations offer information and support lines for women who need help with breastfeeding. Please see their websites for contact details.
Returning to work
The following websites feature useful information and guidance on returning to work while breastfeeding.
- Breastfeeding and going back to work (NHS)
- Rest and working (healthtalk)
- Returning to work while breastfeeding (Working Families)
- Continuing to breastfeed when you return to work (Maternity Action)
Useful support websites
There's a range of helpful websites offering information and support relating to breastfeeding. Many of these organisations also offer helplines and other services.
Breast pump hire
If you need to use a breast pump to express milk, you may be able to hire a pump.
The following companies offer hire of hospital-grade breast pumps.
Last reviewed: 04 July 2023