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Pain Management

The pain management service at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) supports people who are living with chronic or long-term pain.

Our multi-disciplinary teams are on hand to provide strategies to promote self-management of pain more effectively, allowing our patients to live a more active and productive lifestyle.

There is no singular solution to resolving pain, but our goal is to ensure patients have access to a combination of tailored approaches.

The team is comprised of consultant anaesthetists, clinical psychologists, physiotherapists and nurses who specialise in pain management.

Advice and refer

University Hospitals Birmingham is using "advice and refer" as the only process for referrals from GPs for this service, using the "advice and guidance" functionality on the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS). This will not change for cancer and two week wait (2WW) referrals.

For further information for patients, please see our advice and refer page.