Hi, my name's Dr. Tanya Pankhurst.
I'm one of the consultants here at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
I work in adult kidney diseases.
Consultants are doctors who coordinate the whole of the medical team and we look after your care, make a care plan with you, look after your medications and your blood results.
We check that you understand the medical plan and that you agree with it.
We also coordinate your care with your gp.
You'll meet consultants like me in outpatient medical clinics, maybe in the rare diseases center here at the QE or in our outpatients department.
You might also meet us if you're ever admitted to the hospital and where we do ward rounds with the rest of the medical team.
Everything you say to us in consultations is confidential.
That means that we can't share that information with anybody else without your consent, except in very specific circumstances and we'd explain those to you at the time.
We really look forward to meeting you here at the QE.
Hi, I'm Amanda. I'm a renal transplant coordinator.
I also look after young adults who have renal conditions.
You might have a transplant, you might not, but I'm the one that will help you with your transition process.
During an initial interview, and initial conversation, we'll have a big chat about who you are, what you believe your condition is, how I can help you with your condition.
I'll be the one that organises your clinics, organises your treatment, and I'm there to support you during your transition process.
When I first meet you, I'll also give you a card with our contact number on. I'm there if you need me.
I’m, your first point of contact, if you need me to talk to you about anything, um, give me a call if you need me.
Hello, I'm Mark, I'm the youth worker.
So as you move from the children's services over, over to adult services, I'll be there to support you.
That means I'll be looking out for you in outpatients.
I'll come and see you in inpatients if you happen to stay in the hospital and have good chat with you. No topics are off limit.
I also meet up with young people outside of the hospital and take them for a coffee so we can have a good chat. Look forward to seeing you soon.
Hello, my name's Ben Rhodes and I'm a consultant rheumatologist.
Some of you may come with conditions that haven't just affected your kidneys but have caused inflammation in your joints or other parts of the body, and rheumatologists are experts in looking after these sorts of conditions.
At the children's hospital, you may have had separate appointments to go and see the rheumatology team, but here I work closely with the kidney doctors, so we can try and provide all of your care in one place.
You may, come across me in the clinic at the Center for Rare Diseases.
Hi, I'm Mayur. I'm one of the pharmacists working with the renal team at the QE.
You most probably will see pharmacists working at the ward level, but we're often in clinics and also at the pharmacy counter itself.
We like to discuss your medication just to ensure that you're happy with it, if you've got any side effects to report and that you're following your plan as expected.
We can sometimes test you on your medication just to make sure you know what they're for and explain why this is so important as other things around you are changing, but your medication remains part of your management plan.
If you want to get in touch with me during working hours to discuss medication or have anything sent out to you, please get in touch with us.
You may wish to contact me or your renal support nurse.