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Useful information and contacts for hip fracture patients



Your GP can check your general health and medications. Please arrange to see them within two weeks of your discharge from hospital.

Orthopaedic fracture clinic follow-up

Depending on the type of operation you have had, you will have a follow-up with the orthopaedic doctors. They will review your wound and assess how well your bone is healing.

Orthogeriatric follow-up

If you are an older person who has fractured your hip, you will have an orthogeriatric follow-up. This is to review your general health, medications and bone strength.

Community follow-up

If necessary, your therapy team will refer you for outpatient or community physiotherapy to progress your rehabilitation and help you achieve your longer-term goals.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the ward you were discharged from.

Alternatively, please contact your GP or NHS 111.

Heartlands Hospital

Ward 17
Ward 18

Solihull Hospital

Ward 20A
Ward 20B

Community services

Birmingham Early Intervention Community Team

Use option 2.

Orthopaedic Outreach
Solihull Community Services

Last reviewed: 02 March 2023