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Why is parking difficult?

Cars parked close to the QEHB site

Over 22,000 people work across our University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and demand for hospital services from the populations we serve has never been higher. We're also not able to build more car parks to accommodate this demand.

Whilst our workforce has grown, which is fantastic news, it also brings challenges – particularly when it comes to travelling to and from work and parking on site.

More and more cars coming onto our hospital sites or neighbouring roads is simply not sustainable, therefore we have to be smarter about how we use our existing car parks, and be fair about how we price parking permits.

Last reviewed: 09 March 2023

Our emergency departments (A&Es) are very busy at the moment

You may be seen quicker elsewhere for health concerns that are not life-threatening. To help you make the best choice on accessing healthcare, see the alternative options.