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About the hand unit

The Hand Unit at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) is one of the largest in the country. With the addition of the elective care provided at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (ROH), it provides a comprehensive service to treat all conditions of the adult hand.

At the heart of the unit there are 7 orthopaedic and 7 plastic surgery consultant hand surgeons. 

In addition we have:

  • one hand surgery JSD
  • six hand surgery fellows
  • a peripheral nerve fellow
  • one research fellow
  • four plastic surgery registrars
  • two orthopaedic registrars
  • a team of allied health professionals

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

QEHB is the main centre for hand trauma in Birmingham and not only deals with simple hand injuries but is also the regional centre for digital and hand replantation following amputation, the regional Major Trauma Centre (MTC) and the national centre for repatriated injured military patients who often have very complex explosion injures to their hands when involved in military conflicts abroad.

The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

The ROH is an elective hospital to the south of Birmingham city centre at which we cover the majority of elective hand surgery treatments.

Allied health professionals

We work closely with a number of other health specialists to provide optimal patient care, including anaesthetists and anaesthetic physicians' assistants, hand co-ordinators, hand therapists, theatre staff, nursing staff, radiologists and neurophysiologists.

Last reviewed: 21 June 2023

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