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Welcome to the neurosurgery/neuro-oncology service for Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB).

Neuro-oncology is the treatment of tumours that occur in the brain or spinal cord. Whilst brain tumours are rare, they can cause significant issues for both patients and their families. They require a variety of different specialists to assess and manage them, therefore patients will be under the care of our multi-disciplinary team (MDT).

What to expect

Before a diagnosis of a suspected brain tumour, you may have attended your GP or your local emergency department with symptoms.

Following an initial assessment, you are likely to undergo further investigations, such as a brain MRI scan, and be referred to the specialist neurosurgery-oncology team for further investigation ro treatment.

After referral to the Neurosurgical-Oncology service at QEHB, your case will be discussed at one of our neuro-oncology MDT Meetings (MDTM), around which our service is focused.

Our weekly MDTM manages, reviews and plans treatment for patients with brain and central nervous system tumours, based on referral information, imaging and medical history. This allows the team to formulate the most appropriate individualised management plan.

The neuro-oncology MDTM focuses on primary and secondary brain tumours and is attended by a core team of clinicians. There are other specialist MDTs dealing with pituitary and base of skull tumours.

Last reviewed: 26 June 2024