The MDT is a group of healthcare professionals who work together to ensure you get the best care.
- MDT lead clinician, responsible for the running of the MDT including and ensuring NICE guidelines are adhered to
- Neurosurgeons, involved in dedicated neuro-oncology clinics and caring for and operating on patients with brain and spinal tumours
- Oncologists (clinical and medical), manage patients with brain and spinal tumours using radiotherapy and chemotherapy
- Neuroradiologists, specialised in interpreting brain tumour imaging
- Neuropathologists, specialised in examining brain tissue specimens in order to make a diagnosis
- Neurologists, experts in neuro-oncology, epilepsy or neuro-rehabilitation
- Clinical nurse specialists, specialists in the knowledge of brain tumours and skills in communication
- Palliative care, provide palliative and supportive care for patients with brain tumours
- Neuropsychologists, specialise in helping patients with particular aspects of brain function including memory, concentration and mood
- Specialist allied health professionals, including occupational therapy, radiographers, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy
- MDT co-ordinator, responsible for coordinating patient registration, listing and ensuring appropriate information is received
The service has a dedicated clinic on a Thursday morning for rapid patient access and assessment if required. At this appointment, patients will meet a neurosurgeon, clinical nurse specialist and specialist allied health professionals (AHP’s). If required, pre-surgical assessment may be completed on the same day.
Medical history will be taken, a full assessment performed and from this, a plan formulated for any required ongoing treatment. Patients will be given written care plans, information booklets and if appropriate, access to video link information. They will have a Clinical Nurse Specialist contact from this point and be signposted to other support agencies when required.
The clinic also delivers results and further treatment plan post-surgery.
Last reviewed: 26 June 2024