As a team, we are always happy to talk you through your situation, your treatment and what happens next. We don’t expect you to take everything in when it is first explained, please don’t be afraid to ask if you have forgotten something or are unsure. You will have the nurse specialist contact details who will be your point of contact throughout the treatment journey.
We also have a variety of support services available to our patients, including emotional support and financial advice. The cancer support workers are happy to assist you in finding the right support network for you. They will also regularly ask patients to complete a health needs assessment (HNA) to allow them to identify areas of concern to be able to tailor support as necessary.
A number of available support services are detailed below.
BERTI (Brain tumour Education & Research patient & public Involvement)
BERTI is a group led by QEHB and the University of Birmingham for people affected by brain tumours in any way. We include patients, friends and family, health professionals and researchers who are committed to improving the care of people with a brain tumour. BERTI provides a forum to meet with other people affected by brain tumours to share experiences, understand the condition better and work with clinical staff and researchers to improve clinical care and facilitate research for people living with brain tumours.
If you would like to be involved or join one of our meetings, please get in touch.
The Brain Tumour Charity
The Brain Tumour Charity is the worlds leading charity raising money to help support patients and fund research. They have a number of resources and links to useful information on their website.
The Brain Tumour Charity website
Macmillan Cancer Support
Providing a wide variety of information about cancer care and brain tumours; diagnosis, treatment information and general support for both patients and carers.
Giles' Trust
The Giles' trust Brain Tumour Fund was was set up in 2015 by England cricketer Ashley Giles and his wife, Stine, to raise money to fund brain tumour research at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
Brainstrust are a UK based brain tumour charity providing personalised support to people with a brain tumour and their loved ones.
Headway is a UK charity promoting understanding of all aspects of brain injury, and providing information, support and services to those affected.
To promote understanding of all aspects of brain injury and provide information, support and services to survivors, their families and carers. In addition, Headway will campaign to reduce the incidence of brain injury.
Help Harry Help Others
HelpHarryHelpOthers is a local cancer charity providing support to patients, family members and friends in a ‘home from home’ environment.
Driving regulations with a brain/spinal tumour
A brain or spinal tumour may affect your ability to drive and keep your licence. The rules surrounding this are issued by the Driving and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) and not by your doctor. Your team will inform you if you are not fit to drive and you must notify the DVLA accordingly. You will need to visit the DVLA website and complete the relevant form. The length of time that you lose your license for will depend on the type of tumour and how it has affected you and whether you have had epilepsy (seizures).
Last reviewed: 25 June 2024