Some patients who have bowel surgery will need to have a stoma formed. A stoma is an artificial opening of the bowel onto the abdomen, through which faeces pass. A bag is worn to collect the faeces.
A stoma may be temporary or permanent depending on the surgery performed. The two most common types of stoma formed from the bowel are colostomy and ileostomy.
A colostomy is formed using the large bowel. Usually, formed stool is passed from this type of stoma.
An ileostomy is formed using the small bowel. Usually the stool is looser, similar to a porridge consistency.
We appreciate it can take some time to get used to having a stoma. You will receive support and information from the specialist team whilst in hospital and following your discharge.
We hold a twice weekly outpatient stoma clinic at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham that you are welcome to attend if you are experiencing difficulties with your stoma.
To book an appointment, please get in touch.
Last reviewed: 26 May 2023